Image of Herbert Gernot

Herbert Gernot

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Herbert Gernot. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Sep 12, 1894 In Berlin, Germany
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Across the Desert 1936-02-20
Latest Project:
Movie The Enchanted Day 1944-07-06
Known For
Poster of Diesel
Poster of The Rothschilds
Poster of Robert Koch, der Bekämpfer des Todes
Poster of The Mountain Calls
Movie The Enchanted Day 1944-07-06
Movie Diesel Krumper 1943-02-09
Movie Attack on Baku Colonel Ahmed Bey 1942-08-25
Movie The Rothschilds Clifford 1940-07-17
Movie Frau im Strom Brunner 1939-10-12
Movie Robert Koch, der Bekämpfer des Todes Arzt 1939-12-30
Movie The Mountain Calls 1938-01-06
Movie Mother Song Lawyer 1937-12-21
Movie Across the Desert 1936-02-20