Image of Basma Hamada

Basma Hamada

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Love between the lines
Latest Project:
Movie The Haunted House 3 2016-07-06
Known For
Poster of Sadigat Alomr (Lifetime Friends)
Poster of Saher Al-Liel
Poster of Sharbeka Darbeka
Poster of يا معيريس
Series Love between the lines 2026
Movie The Haunted House 3 2016-07-06
Movie 2021 2015-07-17
Series Sadigat Alomr (Lifetime Friends) Fatima 2014-02-08
Movie عايلة فن رن 2013-01-01
Movie Fright night 2010-09-10
Series Saher Al-Liel Aisha 2010-08-11
Series Om Albanat Noriah 2009-08-22
Series Al Haddama 2009-08-22
Movie Wolf Man صحفية 2002-01-01
Movie الخيران رايح جاي 1999-01-19
Movie زمن دراكولا بدرية 1998-01-01
Series Al nas Ajnas 1997-01-10
Series The Bird and The Storm 1997-01-10
Movie The house is haunted 1996-02-20
Movie تمثيلية الصوت الثاني مثايل 1996-01-01
Movie مصاص الدماء بدرية 1995-01-01
Series Abdullah Al Barri Wa Abdullah Al Bahri 1994-02-11
Movie Sharbeka Darbeka 1993-01-01
Movie الثعلب مسرحية دبدوبة 1992-01-01
Movie Sally أبلة سعاد 1992-01-01
Movie سهرة أوراق الخريف الطبيبة 1987-01-01
Movie وخر لا يعاديك 1984-01-01
Movie الدينار 1983-07-17
Movie With Apricots 1983-06-20
Movie رحلة الى المجهول 1982-01-01
Movie يا معيريس 1982-01-02
Movie The Silence 1980-03-01