Movie |
Marisa y Gomoso
Jorge |
2025-02-13 |
Movie |
7 vidas
Livio Guzmán |
2024-04-18 |
Movie |
Doctor Cerebro
2024-07-14 |
Movie |
Silent Night Death Night IX It is forbidden to say Pig
2023-12-25 |
Movie |
The Creepy Christmas Killer Macaque
2022-12-25 |
Movie |
Agarren la pala
2022-11-19 |
Movie |
Masacre en la Navidad del infierno
Batata Baamonde |
2021-12-25 |
Movie |
Psiquiatra |
2019-09-15 |
Movie |
2019-11-30 |
Movie |
Bruno Motoneta
Asador |
2018-05-17 |
Movie |
Piglet Heart
Atila |
2017-07-13 |
Movie |
The Unspeakable Orgies of Julius Cesar
2017-06-06 |
Movie |
The Disturbed Onanist
2017-10-27 |
Movie |
El Puterío de los Horrores
2016-01-01 |
Movie |
2016-09-29 |
Movie |
They Call Him One Eye Faggot
Jacobo el seductor |
2015-04-25 |
Movie |
The Gorevision's System
Self |
2015-08-28 |
Movie |
Alberto La Chota |
2015-11-20 |
Movie |
Scanners IV: Dopplegayners
2015-11-08 |
Movie |
Robin Frut
Robin Frut |
2014-07-17 |
Movie |
Los Superbonaerenses
Alitas |
2014-10-31 |
Movie |
Profondo trosso
2013-02-16 |
Movie |
Zombi Apocalipsis Sensuale
Hardon (as Rudo Hardon) |
2013-07-05 |
Movie |
Trash 2: las tetas de Ana L.
skinhead |
2013-05-14 |
Movie |
Lacayo 2 |
2013-10-04 |
Movie |
Poltergays: Pesadija en lo profundo del recto
Sr Hardon (as Rudo Hardon) |
2013-08-29 |
Movie |
Goretech: Welcome To Planet M*therfucker
Dr Hell/Heller |
2012-10-20 |
Movie |
Alan Smithee's Frankenstein
2012-12-15 |
Movie |
Poltergays: The Naked Wolves of the SS
Soviético |
2011-08-20 |
Movie |
Poltergays 2: Masacre en la Pijamada
2011-10-09 |
Movie |
Nosferatu (Video2010)
2010-10-03 |