Image of Lavínia Pannunzio

Lavínia Pannunzio

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Lavínia Pannunzio. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series As Pupilas do Senhor Reitor 1994-12-06
Latest Project:
Movie Male Shorts: International V1 2018-06-26
Known For
Poster of Just Past Noon on a Tuesday
Poster of Rosa Morena
Poster of Tudo o Que é Sólido Pode Derreter
Movie Just Past Noon on a Tuesday Marisa 2018-06-22
Movie Male Shorts: International V1 Marisa 2018-06-26
Movie Um Verão Familiar 2017-02-05
Movie Rosa Morena 2011-05-12
Movie Tudo o Que é Sólido Pode Derreter Mãe 2005-05-01
Series As Pupilas do Senhor Reitor Antonieta 1994-12-06