Image of Amy Phillips

Amy Phillips

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Aug 20, 1978
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Grange Hill 1978-02-08
Latest Project:
Movie PressPausePlay 2011-03-01
Known For
Poster of PressPausePlay
Poster of Frankenstein: Birth of a Monster
Poster of The Misadventures of Margaret
Poster of What Rats Won't Do
Movie PressPausePlay Self 2011-03-01
Movie Consenting Adults Priscilla Wolfenden 2007-09-04
Movie Frankenstein: Birth of a Monster Claire Clairmont 2003-12-07
Movie Global Heresy Georgia 2002-09-03
Movie Paranoid Michelle 2000-10-26
Movie What Rats Won't Do Ellen Beckenham 1998-07-01
Movie The Misadventures of Margaret Sarah From Brighton 1998-12-23
Series Grange Hill Jessica Arnold 1978-02-08