Image of Sophie Sel

Sophie Sel

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Mar 1, 1936 In Neuilly-sur-Seine, Seine [now Hauts-de-Seine], France
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Mystery Tour 1947-05-21
Latest Project:
Movie Port of Point-du-Jour 1960-04-13
Known For
Poster of Port of Point-du-Jour
Poster of She's a girl from Paris
Poster of Welcome
Poster of Mystery Tour
Movie Port of Point-du-Jour Sophie 1960-04-13
Movie Le Tombeur !!! Lucie, Lautier's maid (uncredited) 1958-07-02
Movie Taxi, Trailer and Bullfight Nicole 1958-11-22
Movie Sunday Buddies Mounette 1957-07-01
Movie A Friend of the Family (uncredited) 1957-07-02
Movie She's a girl from Paris 1957-09-25
Movie Meeting in Paris La promeneuse 1956-05-02
Movie Fruits of Summer 1955-02-11
Movie The Pirates of the Bois du Bologne Une domestique des 'Grossac' 1954-05-31
Movie Papa, Mama, the Maid and I Student of Mr. Langlois 1954-11-26
Movie My Brother from Senegal Mlle Sophie - la fleuriste 1953-11-20
Movie The Tour of the Grand Dukes Brigitte, la fille de la baronne 1953-05-22
Movie Welcome Sophie Rossignol 1953-07-09
Movie Wolves Hunt at Night Une employée de l'hôtel 1952-02-06
Movie Le Costaud des Batignolles A customer on the terrace of 'Chez Albert' (uncredited) 1952-04-30
Movie The Seven Deadly Sins Chantal's friend (segment "Lust") (uncredited) 1952-03-27
Movie Mystery Tour (uncredited) 1947-05-21