Image of Lev Lemke

Lev Lemke

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Aug 25, 1931
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Cherry Town 1962-10-25
Latest Project:
Series Кодекс молчания 2. След чёрной рыбы 1994-08-02
Known For
Poster of Подвиг Одессы
Poster of Open Book
Poster of Mercy Train
Series Кодекс молчания 2. След чёрной рыбы Garegin 1994-08-02
Movie And the Wind Returns... 1992-06-04
Movie Bukharin: Enemy of the People Троцкий 1991-01-01
Movie Genius Натансон - профессор 1991-05-03
Movie Joker Лейб (фотограф со Старого рынка) 1991-11-03
Movie Rogonosets 1990-06-06
Movie Jokes «Stalin» 1990-08-05
Movie Hope Lev Trotsky 1988-11-30
Movie The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhin Igor Vasilyevich 1987-02-01
Movie The Left-Hander министр Кисельвроде 1986-03-16
Movie В. Давыдов и Голиаф врач 1985-01-02
Movie Подвиг Одессы 1985-10-29
Movie Applause, Applause... 1984-06-06
Movie Leningraders, My Children 1981-09-01
Movie Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin Nathanson 1981-09-01
Movie A Dangerous Age 1981-10-20
Movie The Adventures of Four Friends 1980-04-27
Movie Colonel Chabert Кротта 1978-02-08
Movie Golden Mine 1977-06-06
Movie Марк Твен против... John Goodman 1976-06-02
Movie Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian Isaac Moiseevich Zaltsman 1975-11-17
Movie Open Book 1974-09-16
Movie Царевич Проша наёмный убийца 1974-11-18
Movie Blockade: The Luga Defense Line Zaltsman, director of the Kirov factory 1974-12-01
Movie The Twelve Months Eastern Ambassador 1973-01-01
Movie The New Adventures of Doni and Mikki Профессор 1973-12-31
Series Обратной дороги нет 1971-05-06
Movie Are You Kidding? 1971-12-31
Movie A Very Old Story "thin" 1968-06-04
Movie New Attraction Today 1966-03-07
Movie 12 Chairs 1966-12-31
Movie Fear and Despair in the Third Empire Author 1965-01-01
Movie The City of Masters Duke de Malikorn 1965-12-12
Movie Mercy Train 1965-02-22
Movie Cherry Town neighbour (uncredited) 1962-10-25