Image of Mariusz Saniternik

Mariusz Saniternik

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Jan 1, 1954 In Kraków, Malopolskie, Poland
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie King Size 1988-05-02
Latest Project:
Movie Magnesium 2021-06-11
Known For
Poster of Afonia i pszczoły
Poster of Miraculous Place
Poster of Pograbek
Poster of King Size
Movie Magnesium 2021-06-11
Movie How to Deal with a Hangover Romek 2014-08-14
Series The Border Kalita 2014-10-12
Movie Erratum bezdomny "Bohun" 2010-09-16
Movie Afonia i pszczoły Rafał 2009-06-05
Movie Satan from the Seventh Grade Robber 2007-04-07
Movie Palimpsest Pathologist 2006-08-18
Movie The Station Driver 2001-10-18
Movie Prostitutes 'Mały Człowiek' 1998-06-19
Movie History of Cinema in Popielawy Kulawik 1998-11-01
Movie The Man Who Reads Music From The Plates Morka 1995-11-07
Movie Miraculous Place Staszko "Indorek" 1994-01-01
Movie A Bachelor's Life Abroad Worker in Schultz's Factory 1993-01-15
Movie Pograbek Pograbek 1993-06-28
Movie Squadron Wicek 1992-10-28
Movie Kanalia Mute Man (uncredited) 1992-03-15
Movie Wedding Guests 1991-01-25
Movie Controlled Conversations Worker in a Barrack 1991-12-13
Movie Burial of a Potato 1990-01-01
Movie Zabić na końcu Film Crew Member 1990-06-06
Movie The Return of She-Wolf Gravedigger 1990-10-26
Movie Pan Samochodzik i praskie tajemnice thief Franek Gnat 1989-01-09
Movie King Size Więzień Małolat 1988-05-02
Movie The Tribulations of Balthazar Kober Cleric 1988-12-26
Movie Famous Like Sarajevo Czogała 1988-11-07