Image of Balázs Galkó

Balázs Galkó

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Balázs Galkó. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Hunters
Latest Project:
Movie Wild Roots 2021-09-30
Known For
Poster of Butterflies
Poster of The Battle of Mohács
Poster of Wake Up, Mate, Don't You Sleep
Poster of Last Supper at the Arabian Gray Horse
Movie Hunters törzsvendég 2 2026
Movie Wild Roots Grandfather 2021-09-30
Movie Feltámadás Old man 2020-05-09
Movie Butterflies Uncle Zsigmond 2014-10-18
Movie Superchondriac Anton's Lieutenant 2014-02-26
Movie The Lady Vanishes Station Porter 2013-03-17
Movie Adventure Kocsmáros 2011-10-20
Movie So Much for Justice! Hoppmester / Barnacsuhás 2010-02-11
Movie Ed's Eaten Elevenses Priest 2006-10-12
Movie Herminafields - Zeitgeist 2006-03-23
Movie The Battle of Mohács Priest 2004-02-26
Movie Wake Up, Mate, Don't You Sleep Galkó 2003-02-06
Movie Song of the Miraculous Hind Voice 2002-02-21
Movie Last Supper at the Arabian Gray Horse Galkó 2001-02-15
Movie Helyfoglalás, avagy a mogyorók bejövetele 1999-01-01
Movie The Lord's Lantern in Budapest Galkó 1999-01-28
Movie Citizen X Station Drunk 1995-02-25
Movie Mesmer Musician 1994-08-25
Movie The Last Summer 1991-10-04
Movie Cyrano de Bergerac 1990-03-28
Movie Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg Mika 1990-10-05
Movie Wild 1988-10-19
Movie Poor Johnny and Arnika Hasfájós testvér 1983-06-09