Image of Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson

Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Auga fyrir auga 2008-05-01
Latest Project:
Movie Captain America: Brave New World 2025-02-12
Known For
Movie Captain America: Brave New World Copperhead 2025-02-12
Series Those About to Die Viggo 2024-07-18
Movie Cold Óðinn Hafsteinsson 2023-09-01
Series Vikings: Valhalla Olaf Haraldson 2022-02-25
Movie Zone 414 Mr Russell 2021-09-03
Movie Infinite Kovic 2021-09-09
Movie Bloodshot Nick Baris 2020-03-05
Movie Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga Johans 2020-06-26
Movie Where'd You Go, Bernadette Captain J. Rouverol 2019-08-16
Movie The Good Liar Vlad 2019-11-08
Series Beforeigners 2019-08-21
Movie Alpha Tau 2018-08-17
Series The Innocents Steinar 2018-08-24
Movie The Sisters Brothers Head Trapper 2018-09-19
Movie I Remember You Freyr 2017-05-05
Movie Atomic Blonde Yuri Bakhtin 2017-07-26
Series Stella Blómkvist Sverrir 2017-11-24
Movie The Together Project Ólafur, l'amant d'un soir 2016-06-29
Movie Der Island-Krimi: Der Tote im Westfjord Leifur 2016-10-27
Series A.D. The Bible Continues Thomas 2015-04-05
Movie Noah Cain (uncredited) 2014-03-07
Movie The Biggest Rescue 2014-10-30
Movie Black's Game Tóti 2012-03-11
Movie Mr. Bjarnfreðarson 2009-12-26
Movie Auga fyrir auga 2008-05-01
Movie Reykjavik-Rotterdam Eiríkur 2008-09-30