Image of Vittorio Alfieri

Vittorio Alfieri

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Jan 1, 1961 In Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Overdose
Latest Project:
Movie Delusion is a blind man's cow 2024-08-29
Known For
Poster of Delusion is a blind man's cow
Poster of The Barber And The Bomb
Poster of Die Akte Dschihad
Poster of Overdose
Movie Overdose Dr. Shafizadeh 2026
Movie Delusion is a blind man's cow Zirkusdirektor 2024-08-29
Series Falk Richter 2018-05-10
Movie Meine Mutter ist unmöglich Herr Lindenburg 2018-05-18
Movie The Barber And The Bomb Narrator 2016-02-25
Series Der Bozen Krimi Mario Rosato 2015-01-29
Movie Venedig nur mit dir Hermann Bomburg 2012-01-01
Series Lutter Marchello 2007-02-24
Series Kommissar Stolberg Toni DeMarco 2006-10-27
Movie The Bodyguard Mancinelli 2005-01-01
Series SOKO Köln Jakob Melzer 2003-10-22
Series SK Kölsch Kalle Hartmann 1999-01-11
Series Coast Guard Massimo Turelli 1997-04-19
Movie Alles nur Tarnung Carlo 1996-11-14
Series Wilsberg Grabowski 1995-02-20
Series Die Wache Bruce 1994-01-03
Movie Harold and the Ghosts The Bat (voice) 1994-01-01
Movie Die Akte Dschihad 1989-01-01
Series Der Fahnder Giulo Manfredi 1984-09-21