Image of Abdel Azim Abdel Haqq

Abdel Azim Abdel Haqq

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Al-Alamein 1965-02-03
Latest Project:
Movie Five star thieves 1994-01-10
Known For
Poster of Wanderers of the Desert
Poster of The Message
Poster of Mister Fish
Poster of Al-Alamein
Movie Five star thieves Poor Uncle Abdullah 1994-01-10
Movie Terrorism and Kebab 1992-06-11
Movie Axe in the head 1992-12-28
Movie Dawood's Ticket 1990-02-14
Movie Leila Asal 1990-04-26
Movie The Puppeteer Shuhdi Effendi 1989-12-18
Movie The Third Class Sorour's father 1988-07-24
Movie Wanderers of the Desert 1986-04-30
Series The Honey and The Tears 1983-06-13
Series The sea said عرفان 1982-06-22
Movie حبيبة غيري 1976-06-21
Movie For Whom The Sun Rises 1976-04-30
Movie The Message An-Najashi 1976-07-30
Movie A call to life 1972-04-16
Series عادات وتقاليد Adat W Takaleed حسان 1972-06-09
Movie The Night of Counting the Years Uncle 1969-01-27
Movie Diary of a Country Prosecutor Sheikh Asfour 1969-02-24
Movie Hikaya min Baladina Hussein - Abu Zeinab 1969-02-24
Movie My Super Crazy Wife 1968-04-01
Movie Land of Hypocrisy 1968-10-21
Movie The Quail and Autumn 1967-02-13
Movie Mister Fish Gomaa 1967-01-02
Movie Khan El-Khalili 1966-01-12
Movie Goodbye, Night Ahmed's father 1966-08-24
Movie Al-Alamein 1965-02-03