Image of Ahmed Rizq

Ahmed Rizq

Ahmed Rizk is an Egyptian actor who was born in Alexandria. He is characterized by a heavy stature and a good sense of humor. Rizk moved to Cairo and began his performing career with a film titled “Sitt al-Sittat” in 1998. Thereafter he worked on several films, “Film Thaqafy” (“Educational Film”) was particularly helpful for his career. Rizk also starred in “Sharm Baram”, “Shabab ‘ala al-Hawa” (“Youths on the Air”) and “Mafia” where he acted alongside Ahmed al-Sekka. Following those efforts he acted in “Ew’aa Weshak” (“Watch Out”). His most recent title was the film “Hawishy elly Waqa’ Mennik”(“Pocket what You Lose”) where he starred with ‘Ola Ghanem. Rizk has also taken part in several television productions including “Gohha al-Masry” (“The Egyptian Gohha”), “Awraq Massriyah” (“Egyptian Papers”), “Sara” and the sitcom “Foush”.

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Mar 23, 1976 In Alexandria, Egypt
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series العار
Latest Project:
Series Master of People 2025-03-01
Known For
Poster of 60 Minutes
Poster of Mufleh Pasha
Poster of Drug Habit
Poster of Heema - Days of Laughter and Tears
Series العار 2026
Series Master of People عفيفي 2025-03-01
Movie Who Would Believe It? 2024-11-27
Series Al Refaee's House 2024-03-11
Series Mrs. Mayor 2023-03-23
Series The Sweetest Words on Life Unknown 2022-01-29
Series Day and night خالد 2021-02-21
Series Al-Qahera : Kabul Khaled Abd Elrahman 2021-04-12
Movie Mufleh Pasha 2021-08-19
Series 60 Minutes 2021-09-16
Movie 200 pounds سمير 2021-08-18
Movie The Thief of Baghdad أبو يوسف/حسين الراوي 2020-01-22
Series Handwritten Youssef 2020-01-26
Series Three Stories Mazhar 2019-05-06
Movie The Passage 2019-06-04
Movie The Treasure : Love & Destiny Abdulaziz Al-Nashar 2019-08-10
Movie Son of Adam العقيد ممدوح الشهاوي 2018-08-20
Movie May It Prosper عامر 2017-04-20
Series How Are You Feeling? 2017-05-27
Movie The Treasure: Truth & Imagination 2017-08-31
Series Drug Habit 2016-04-08
Movie The Night of the Carnival 2015-12-02
Movie 4G قداح - ضيف شرف 2015-09-23
Series El Excellence 2014-06-29
Movie Aziz's Dream 2012-06-06
Series Brothers But Enemies 2012-07-20
Series The Red Lines 2012-07-20
Series The Shame سعد 2011-08-11
Movie Alzheimer's كريم 2010-10-09
Movie Lady Sukkar 2010-07-25
Series I Want to Get Married 2010-08-10
Series Fo2sh 2009-08-17
Series Heema - Days of Laughter and Tears 2008-09-01
Movie Ala Ganb Ya Asta Angry Fare 2008-06-04
Movie El-Torbini 2007-02-22
Movie Housh Illi Wakaa Mennak حوده 2007-07-25
Movie Lakhmet Ras يوسف "ويكا" صابر 2006-06-07
Movie Hamada Getting Rich 2005-09-19
Series Sarah حسن 2005-10-04
Movie Watch Out For Your Face Hooda 2003-09-03
Movie Youth on Air Shafik 2002-01-23
Movie Mafia Raafat 2002-07-24
Series Goha El Masry شحيبر 2002-11-06
Series Morning and Evening Talk بليغ 2001-11-15
Movie Shorom Borom عبده البليد 2001-01-01
Movie So That God Loves You Khalil 2001-03-05
Movie A Cultural Film Ifat 2000-10-04
Series The Other Man 1999-12-08
Movie Sit El Sitat 1998-06-29
Movie Round Trip to Ismailia 1997-08-25
Movie الجميلة والوحشين عليوه 1996-01-01
Movie El Gameela Wel Wa7sheen 1996-02-03
Movie The Story of the West Quarter 1996-07-17