Image of Galina Tyunina

Galina Tyunina

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Galina Tyunina. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Oct 13, 1967 In Big Stone, Primorsky Krai, USSR (Russia)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Gisele's Mania 1995-06-06
Latest Project:
Movie He + She 2024-02-29
Known For
Poster of Золотая Маска: Война и мир. Начало романа
Poster of The First Circle
Poster of The Stroll
Poster of The Murderer's Diary
Movie He + She женщина 2024-02-29
Movie Here's to You and Us! Esther Davydovna 2023-05-26
Movie Mittelmarsch 2023-09-28
Movie The North Wind Lotta 2021-02-11
Movie A Portrait Of A Stranger Tatiana Peresvetova 2021-09-24
Movie Сокровенный человек 2020-11-05
Movie Золотая Маска: Война и мир. Начало романа 2017-04-14
Movie Mathilde Maria Pavlovna, wife of prince Vladimir 2017-10-25
Movie Save My Speech Anna Akhmatova (voice) 2015-10-22
Movie Gift Амалия 2013-01-01
Movie The Snow Queen Snow queen (voice) 2012-10-11
Movie Low Caledonia 2008-02-24
Movie 20 cigarettes yogurt's queen 2007-10-10
Movie Keep Forever 2007-01-01
Movie Day Watch Olga 2006-01-01
Movie Andersen. Life Without Love Карен, сестра Андерсена 2006-12-21
Series The First Circle Nadia Nerzhina 2006-01-29
Movie Snow Maiden The Spring Fairy 2004-01-01
Movie Night Watch Olga 2004-07-08
Movie Игра в модерн 2003-01-01
Movie The Stroll tour desk employee 2003-09-20
Series The Murderer's Diary 2002-01-01
Movie His Wife's Diary Vera Bunina 2000-06-06
Movie Gisele's Mania Olga Spesivtseva 1995-06-06