Movie |
Sailor Ninja vs Vampire Clan Part 1
2008-08-08 |
Movie |
Sailor Moon - New Legend of Kaguya Island (Revision) - Marinamoon Final
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury |
2005-05-27 |
Movie |
Sailor Moon - The Advent of Princess Kakyuu - The Second Stage Final
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury |
2004-04-23 |
Movie |
Sailor Moon - New Legend of Kaguya Island
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury |
2004-12-23 |
Movie |
Sailor Moon - Infinity Academy - Mistress Labyrinth (Revision)
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury |
2003-04-25 |
Movie |
Sailor Moon - Starlights - Legend of the Shooting Stars
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury |
2003-07-02 |
Movie |
Sailor Moon - Birth! Princess of Darkness Black Lady (Revision) - The Secret of the Planet Nemesis
Berthier |
2002-04-25 |
Movie |
Sailor Moon - Infinity Academy - Mistress Labyrinth
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury |
2002-11-25 |