Image of Mikhail Porechenkov

Mikhail Porechenkov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Mikhail Porechenkov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 2, 1969 In Leningrad, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Comrade Major
Latest Project:
Series Купцы и дети 2025-01-20
Known For
Poster of Vamps
Poster of The Shadow
Poster of Take the Hit, Kid!
Series Небеса 2026
Series Comrade Major 2026
Series Купцы и дети Фёдор 2025-01-20
Series Look into His Head Головин 2024-04-04
Movie Russian Cross 2023-04-16
Movie In the Moscow Slums Gilyarovskiy 2023-05-18
Movie Hockey Dads Vadim’s dad 2023-11-23
Series A Movie About Bandits 2023-06-15
Series Correction and Punishment 2022-03-14
Movie The Parent 2022-09-22
Movie Delayed Happiness Syndrome 2022-07-09
Series Seagulls 2022-09-16
Movie Going to Hell Himself (archive) 2019-01-08
Series Fortune-Teller Алексей Потапов 2019-02-11
Movie Odessa Steamboat Sosed-kavkazets 2019-12-24
Movie Maximka 2019-04-20
Series The Territory Viktor Gromov 2019-10-28
Movie Mommy's Calf 2019-08-17
Series The Bridge Максим Казанцев 2018-05-21
Movie Call Myshkin 2018-12-03
Series Один против всех 2017-01-23
Series Trotsky Александр Парвус 2017-11-06
Series Мурка 2017-03-09
Movie Appendix 2017-12-03
Movie Vamps 2017-02-22
Movie Take the Hit, Kid! Otets 2016-10-06
Movie The Shadow Boris Gordin 2016-12-01
Series Serdtse angela Andrey Biryukov 2016-09-10
Movie The Heroine (voice) 2015-12-12
Series Kuprin Александр Куприн 2014-06-02
Movie Gold Еремеев (главная роль, купец) 2014-02-13
Movie Федька 2014-06-02
Movie The Iron Ivan Поддубный 2014-07-10
Series Sky Court. Continuation Veniamin Shvedov - advokat 2014-11-09
Series Kuprin. In the Dark 2014-06-05
Movie What Girls are Silent About Vladimir 2013-03-07
Movie Marathon Tolik Antipov 2013-07-04
Movie Kill Stalin Hess 2013-11-04
Movie Mommies boxer 2012-03-01
Series После школы P.E. Teacher 2012-11-16
Movie Sky Court Вениамин Шведов 2012-05-31
Movie Fairy Tale. There Is плюшевый мишка 2012-09-13
Series The White Guard Виктор Викторович Мышлаевский 2012-03-03
Movie Back - fortunately, or Who will find the Blue Bird 2011-05-08
Movie Without Men 2011-09-01
Series Trouble in Store Pavel Skachko 2011-10-31
Series Sky Court адвокат Вениамин Шведов 2011-10-08
Movie Grozovye vorota Егоров майор командир группы спецназа ГРУ 2008-02-18
Movie A Real Dad 2008-04-17
Movie Den' D Ivan 2008-06-06
Movie The New Year's Rate Plan Vitaly Barinov 2008-12-04
Series Liquidation Виталий Кречетов 2007-10-21
Movie 1612: Chronicles of the Dark Time Prince Dmitri Pozharsky 2007-10-28
Series The Storm Gate 2006-02-13
Movie The Heat Himself 2006-12-28
Movie Duck Hunting официант 2006-12-31
Movie The Connection Ilya 2006-06-29
Movie Great Love 2006-02-16
Movie Soldiers Decameron Panteleyev 2005-12-01
Movie 9th Company Dygalo 2005-09-19
Movie Белая гвардия 2005-10-01
Movie Trio Aleksey 2003-09-05
Movie Peculiarities of the National Politics Vanya 2003-01-01
Movie Mechanical Suite Mityagin 2002-01-17
Series Special Squad Dzhim Uolles 2002-03-25
Movie Vovochka 2002-01-14
Movie Banditskiy Peterburg: Baron Kondrashev 2000-05-01
Movie Peculiarities of the National Hunt in the Winter Пограничник 2000-09-14
Series Агент национальной безопасности 2 Алексей Николаев 2000-05-12
Movie Woman's Own 1999-04-06
Series National Security Agent Алексей Николаев 1999-01-01
Movie The Body Will Be Committed to the Ground, And the Senior Warrant Officer Will Sing 1998-03-01
Movie Wedding Kisses Боря - жених 1998-08-17
Movie The Wheel of Love Kirill 1994-11-11