Image of Igor Mirkurbanov

Igor Mirkurbanov

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Oct 2, 1960 In Tomsk, USSR, (Russia)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Вниз
Latest Project:
Movie Icaria 2026
Known For
Poster of Icaria
Poster of Sleepers
Poster of inhale & exhale
Poster of Za posledney chertoy
Movie Icaria Kazimir 2026
Movie Вниз 2026
Movie Финал 2025-05-08
Series Sex. Before and After 2023-10-12
Series Penultimate Instance 2022-01-01
Series Chimera 2022-09-15
Series Insomnia 2021-10-07
Series Теория вероятности пастырь 2021-01-01
Series Отражение радуги Борис Пронин (психотерапевт) 2020-02-10
Movie Number One 2020-03-19
Series The Terrible 2020-11-24
Series Wolf Эйтингер 2020-12-07
Series Games People Play 2020-04-26
Series Maelstorm Matas 2020-06-26
Series Russian Affairs 2019-03-07
Movie The Painting 2019-10-22
Movie The Battle Yury Kotlov 2019-08-29
Series Call DiCaprio! Сергей Семенович 2018-10-20
Movie Моя революция 2017-01-21
Series Sleepers Резник 2017-10-09
Movie Waiting for Charlotte Corday Rodion 2016-01-01
Movie Queen of Spades Oleg 2016-11-17
Movie Generation P 2011-04-14
Series Сплит Манфред, сплит, младший брат Ардока 2011-10-17
Series Знахарь 2: Охота без правил 2011-08-29
Movie Montana Viktor 2008-02-07
Movie Antidur 2007-09-06
Movie The Signpost to Destiny 2007-05-28
Movie inhale & exhale 2006-05-04
Movie Ellipsis Vadim Petrovich 2006-12-28
Movie The Holy Land 2001-04-04
Movie Made in Israel Vitali 2001-09-27
Movie Кровь за кровь Minosyan 1991-02-01
Movie Za posledney chertoy 1991-07-09