Image of Asmaa Safaa

Asmaa Safaa

A theatrical and TV actress who obtained a BA in TV directing. She was born in 1981. She became known for the series This Is Love, and Daughter of Al-Mo'iedy. As for the theater, she participated in several plays that received by the Iraqi and Arab audience, perhaps the most notable of which was the play Women are Playing with Hana Muhammad and directed by Sinan Al-Azzawi.

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Oct 1, 1981 In Iraq
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series ميم ميم
Latest Project:
Series Crazy about Sarah 2023-05-01
Known For
Poster of Crazy about Sarah
Poster of حلم وخيال
Poster of leave
Poster of ميم ميم
Series ميم ميم 2026
Series Crazy about Sarah 2023-05-01
Series AL-Kasir 2023-03-23
Series حلم وخيال 2022-04-02
Series leave 2004-05-01
Series الطرائف الغريبة والنوادر العجيبة 1998-10-10