Image of Rick Dutrow

Rick Dutrow

In the second grade (c. 1970), Rick was cast by his homeroom teacher, Mrs. Vicini, to play the King Pumpkin in a musical she wrote about a vegetable garden and how all the vegetables were negatively impacted by the insecticide DDT. And it was this original school musical that started Rick's lifelong journey as an actor... The summer prior to Rick's senior year in High School he was hired by a Pittsburgh-area Dinner Theatre to play Mercutio in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. He was 17 years old, playing Mercutio who was 17 years old, and being paid as an actor! Unfortunately, Rick had to tell his High School football coach that he would be unable to make the first scrimmage of the season under the lights at home because he was acting in a Play. The coach was not very happy and Rick sat the bench his senior year; except for the fact that he was the only one who was able to snap the football back to the punter and that year they punted quite a bit! Rick still lettered in football that year despite his coach's efforts. Rick started acting in community theaters at the age of 12, went on to College to major in Theatrical Performance, and began acting on the stages of various western Pennsylvania theaters. In 2017, Rick organically entered onto the Pittsburgh film industry scene. In 2019, Rick married for the second time to the love of his life and his partner, Stephanie Swift, a Pittsburgh-area actress. Rick has three children; all of them in college right now, so please hire him!

Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Guerilla Dogs
Latest Project:
Movie Massacre Academy 2022-07-31
Known For
Poster of Massacre Academy
Poster of The Boonies
Poster of Light Up Night
Poster of The Painted
Movie Guerilla Dogs Chaplin 2026
Movie Massacre Academy Lt. John Hallenbeck 2022-07-31
Movie The Boonies Mitch 2021-03-12
Movie Light Up Night Jason Mudrick 2020-12-24
Movie The Painted 2018-08-30