Image of Carl-Olof Alm

Carl-Olof Alm

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Carl-Olof Alm. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 21, 1925 In Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Torment 1944-10-02
Latest Project:
Movie Moon-Face 1993-02-07
Known For
Poster of Moon-Face
Poster of Love Me!
Poster of The D.T.'s
Poster of The Phantom Carriage
Movie Moon-Face (voice) 1993-02-07
Movie Pirates of the Lake Guitar player 1987-02-25
Movie Love Me! 1986-02-28
Movie The Man from Majorca Sven Roland Martinsson 1984-10-12
Movie Profeten i Pajala Clerk 1982-02-28
Series Hedebyborna Å de Vie 1978-10-23
Movie Hallo Baby The Pervert 1976-01-27
Movie Near and Far Away Tramp 1976-11-08
Movie Gustav III Kexell 1974-04-08
Movie Ebon Lundin Fyllo 1973-01-01
Movie Klara Lust Klara's Lover 1972-02-18
Movie Roseanna Drunk 1967-08-14
Movie The D.T.'s Blom 1966-06-27
Movie Come on Roland! Man at Horse Race 1966-09-18
Movie Är du inte riktigt klok? Drake - Private Investigator 1964-07-22
Movie Wild West Story 1964-02-15
Movie Topaze Roger 1963-02-18
Movie The Yellow Car Assassin 1963-06-29
Movie Siska Man in the subway train 1962-12-26
Movie Åsa-Nisse som polis Pettersson 1960-09-19
Movie The Phantom Carriage Tramp 1958-09-18
Movie Mannequin in Red 1958-12-19
Movie Klarar Bananen Biffen? Pontus 1957-09-02
Movie Ingen morgondag The artist 1957-10-16
Movie Åsa-Nisse i full fart 1957-09-27
Movie Girls Without Rooms 1956-03-25
Movie Flottans Muntergökar Salam Aleikum 1955-01-01
Movie The bravado of the Österman brothers Roland 1955-10-12
Movie Motorkavaljerer 1950-03-13
Movie Fianceé for Hire Hellman 1950-08-28
Movie Flottans kavaljerer Navy officer 1948-12-25
Movie Kärlekens kors Konstnär Sandvik 1946-03-08
Movie Torment 1944-10-02