Image of Tamaki Kubose

Tamaki Kubose

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Tamaki Kubose. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Dec 22, 1995
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Orphan’s Blues 2018-11-02
Latest Project:
Movie Icchorai 2023-06-17
Known For
Poster of Randen: The Comings and Goings on a Kyoto Tram
Poster of Orphan’s Blues
Movie Icchorai 2023-06-17
Movie Inch Forward 2023-03-17
Movie People Who Talk to Plushies Are Kind 2023-04-01
Movie The Modern Lovers 2020-06-27
Movie F Is For Future 2020-10-07
Movie Randen: The Comings and Goings on a Kyoto Tram Nanten Kitakado 2019-05-24
Movie Orphan’s Blues 2018-11-02