Image of Aleksandr Strizhenov

Aleksandr Strizhenov

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Jun 6, 1969 In Moscow, USSR (Russia)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie A Few Drops 1983-08-21
Latest Project:
Movie Russian Psycho 2019-01-31
Known For
Poster of Russian Psycho
Poster of The Mystery of the Four Princesses
Poster of The Female
Poster of Ка-ка-ду
Movie Russian Psycho Father Gregory 2019-01-31
Movie Drunk Company 2016-12-19
Movie Grandfather of My Dreams спасатель 2015-07-16
Movie The Mystery of the Four Princesses 2014-08-14
Movie We Are Family 2012-01-05
Movie Nightingale - The Robber Andrey Serenadov 2012-11-22
Movie Suicides lieutenant Krylov 2012-03-01
Movie The Female Big Foot 2010-04-01
Movie Yulenka Detective Borin 2009-02-19
Movie Pussycat Businessman Viktor 2009-12-10
Movie Lovey-Dovey Lawyer Aristarkhov 2007-03-01
Movie The State Counsellor Grand Duke Simeon Alexandrovich 2005-04-21
Movie Creation of Adam 1994-01-01
Movie Ка-ка-ду 1992-01-01
Movie The Actors Ivan 1992-10-01
Movie A Child by November Seaman (owner of a foreign car) 1992-10-30
Movie Sniper Тимотео 1992-10-01
Movie Милый Эп 1991-04-05
Movie Slap in the Face That Wasn't 1987-09-01
Movie Leader 1985-03-11
Movie A Few Drops Петя 1983-08-21