Image of Irina Polyanskaya

Irina Polyanskaya

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Sep 4, 1926 In USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series To Remember 1993-12-09
Latest Project:
Series Один день, одна ночь 2015-10-10
Known For
Poster of Operation 'Happy New Year'!
Poster of To Remember
Series Неразрезанные страницы тётя Оля 2015-10-03
Series Один день, одна ночь тётя Оля 2015-10-10
Movie Кома 2012-01-01
Movie Operation 'Happy New Year'! 1996-01-01
Movie The Year of the Dog 1994-02-01
Series To Remember Narrator 1993-12-09