Image of Tabea Blumenschein

Tabea Blumenschein

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Aug 11, 1952 In Konstanz, Germany
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Enchantment of the Blue Sailors 1975-10-24
Latest Project:
Movie GLOW 2023-06-15
Known For
Poster of Siblings
Poster of Taxi to the Toilet
Poster of Madame X - An Absolute Ruler
Movie GLOW Self 2023-06-15
Movie Loving Highsmith Self - Actress / Highsmith's Friend 2022-04-07
Movie Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow Press Andamana 1984-03-09
Movie Siblings 1982-01-01
Movie Uliisses 1982-06-18
Movie Taxi to the Toilet A lady 1981-01-01
Movie Ticket of No Return Sie 1979-10-27
Movie Madame X - An Absolute Ruler Madame X 1978-02-07
Movie The Enchantment of the Blue Sailors Eine Sirene / Ein Hawaiimädchen / Ein junger Vogel 1975-10-24