Image of Luise Heyer

Luise Heyer

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Luise Heyer. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 25, 1985 In Berlin, Germany
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Scene of the Crime 1970-11-29
Latest Project:
Movie The Doctor Says, I'll Be Alright but I'm Feelin' Blue 2025-09-11
Known For
Poster of Detour
Poster of Atempause
Poster of The Glassblower
Movie The Doctor Says, I'll Be Alright but I'm Feelin' Blue Lena Urzendowsky 2025-09-11
Movie The Sparrow in the Chimney Liv 2024-10-10
Movie Sörensen Catches Fire Martine Braasch 2023-09-30
Movie Pedro, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Leopoldina 2022-09-01
Movie JGA Jasmin 2022-03-24
Movie Commitment Phobia Lotte 2021-07-01
Movie The Last Execution Corina Walter 2021-08-12
Movie Laura's Star Mother 2021-12-09
Movie Leif in Concert Vol. 2 Lene 2020-07-16
Movie The Most Beautiful Couple Liv 2019-03-24
Movie Head Burst Stefanie 2019-10-17
Movie All About Me Mutter Margret 2018-12-25
Movie What's Left of My Life Milena Nelko 2017-05-25
Movie Atempause Lisa 2017-06-14
Movie Gift Dr. Katrin Kompalla 2017-05-01
Movie Detour Alma 2017-06-24
Movie Pretty Far from Okay Isi 2017-07-20
Series Fatal News Simone Burger 2016-02-06
Movie All of a Sudden Judith 2016-04-21
Movie Fado Doro 2016-09-01
Movie The Glassblower Johanna Steinmann 2016-12-09
Movie Tough Love Marion 2015-04-23
Movie Willkommen bei Habib Jona 2014-06-05
Movie Ihr und eure Welt Sasha 2014-05-15
Movie Jack Sanna 2014-10-09
Movie Ein Geschenk der Götter Emily 2014-10-09
Movie At Once Betti 2013-10-01
Movie Histeria 2013-12-31
Movie Westwind Isabel 2011-08-25
Series Der Kriminalist Martha Strohheim 2006-12-08
Series SOKO Leipzig Franziska Lehmann 2001-01-31
Series Polizeiruf 110 Nadja Bruns 1971-06-27
Series Scene of the Crime Nicki Lowkow 1970-11-29