Image of Erika Hamilton

Erika Hamilton

Erika Hamilton is a writer and actress whose award-winning script OUT OF TUNE, is now a proof-of-concept film. Originally hailing from small town Ohio, Erika’s first moment in the spotlight came as a Cincinnati sports reporter. From there, her journey flourished on a number of ever-expanding stages. As a New York Knicks City Dancer, under the bright lights of Madison Square Garden, Erika was discovered. She was featured in iPod ads and her solo role opposite Bob Dylan, was noted in Steve Job’s biography as the most important commercial of the era for Apple. On screen, Erika has worked with some of the biggest and most renowned directors including Martha Coolidge, Mark Romanek, Fredrik Bond, Tony Kaye, Paul Hunter, Eliot Rausch and Anne Fletcher to name a few. Erika has since carried her New York hustle to Hollywood, the grandest stage of all - writing and producing stories that highlight the awkward joys and tensions shaped by her unique worldview.

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Assume the Position 201 with Mr. Wuhl 2007-07-07
Latest Project:
Movie Hatchet II 2010-10-01
Known For
Poster of Hatchet II
Poster of Assume the Position 201 with Mr. Wuhl
Movie Hatchet II Lena 2010-10-01
Movie Assume the Position 201 with Mr. Wuhl Real or No Real Actor 2007-07-07