
In the aftermath of his Freudian slip, Ross tries to rescue his marriage with Emily. Meanwhile, Chandler and Monica try and find a moment alone in order to continue their affair while overseas.

  • Jeff Strauss
  • Marta Kauffman
  • David Crane

Release Date: 1994-09-22
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Metacritic: 8.6/10
TMDb: 8.4/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English

Other episodes for this season

The One After Ross Says Rachel
Episode 1 - The One After Ross Says Rachel
The One with All the Kissing
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The One Hundredth
Episode 3 - The One Hundredth
The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS
Episode 4 - The One Where Phoebe Hate...
The One with the Kips
Episode 5 - The One with the Kips
The One with the Yeti
Episode 6 - The One with the Yeti
The One Where Ross Moves In
Episode 7 - The One Where Ross Moves...
The One with All the Thanksgivings
Episode 8 - The One with All the Than...
The One with Ross's Sandwich
Episode 9 - The One with Ross's Sandw...
The One with the Inappropriate Sister
Episode 10 - The One with the Inapprop...
The One with All the Resolutions
Episode 11 - The One with All the Reso...
The One with Chandler's Work Laugh
Episode 12 - The One with Chandler's W...
The One with Joey's Bag
Episode 13 - The One with Joey's Bag
The One Where Everybody Finds Out
Episode 14 - The One Where Everybody F...
The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey
Episode 15 - The One with the Girl Who...
The One with the Cop
Episode 16 - The One with the Cop
The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss
Episode 17 - The One with Rachel's Ina...
The One Where Rachel Smokes
Episode 18 - The One Where Rachel Smok...
The One Where Ross Can't Flirt
Episode 19 - The One Where Ross Can't...
The One with the Ride Along
Episode 20 - The One with the Ride Alo...
The One with the Ball
Episode 21 - The One with the Ball
The One with Joey's Big Break
Episode 22 - The One with Joey's Big B...
The One in Vegas
Episode 23 - The One in Vegas
The One in Vegas (2)
Episode 24 - The One in Vegas (2)