2012/05/01 Headlines: British Parliament: Rupert Murdoch Not Fit to Run Media Company; Obama Adviser John Brennan Confirms Targeted Drone Killings Overseas; Activist Medea Benjamin Disrupts Brennan Drone Speech; Brennan, Romney Defend Bin Laden Killing on 1st Anniversary; Massive Global Protests Planned to Mark May Day; NYPD Visits Occupy Activists at Home Before May Day Actions; Trial Begins for 20 Arrested in NYPD "Stop and Frisk" Protest; Charlotte Police Given New Search Powers Ahead of Protests; NYC Pension Funds to Target Wal-Mart Directors in Shareholder Vote; Syrian Gov’t Shelling Kills 7 in Ongoing Violence; Murdered Investigative Reporter Regina Martínez Mourned in Mexico; Quebec Student Strikers Reject Gov’t Compromise on Tuition Hikes; 5 Arrested in Ongoing Protests Against Chicago Clinic Closures; Detroit Students Start "Freedom School" After Being Suspended for Protest; Tomas Borge Martínez, Last Sandinista Founder, Dead at 81;$

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