2011/11/11 Headlines: Activists Rejoice as Admin Delays Decision on Keystone XL Oil Pipeline; Alleged Afghan "Kill Team" Leader Found Guilty, Avoids Life Term; HRW Charges Assad Regime Guilty of "Crimes Against Humanity"; Police Beat Student Activists at UC Berkeley Occupy-Related Protest; Occupy Portland Faces Sunday Eviction Deadline; Man Dies of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound at Occupy Burlington; Occupy Protesters Disrupt Michele Bachmann Speech in South Carolina; Women-Only Tent Erected at Occupy Wall Street; Ex-Banker Sworn In as New Greek PM; Murdoch Blames Former Execs for Hacking Scandal; Georgia Militia Members Accused of Assassination Plot; Climate Change Research Group to Receive Big Oil Funding; Hawaii Activists to Protest APEC Summit; Twitter Ordered to Disclose Account Info of WikiLeaks Associates

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