
Dog-based animated sketch show which uses recorded conversations and replaces humans with animated dogs. Following on from the success of internet phenomenon Dog Judo (which has had over 10 million hits to date), Dog Almighty uses several styles of animation to bring to life dogs who discuss supermarket etiquette, their desire to father baby boys and who'd win a fight with Jimmy Saville

Release Date: 1998-11-01
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
TMDb: 7.6/10
  • Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 25

Other episodes for this season

Episode 1 - Fonejacker
Bad Crowd
Episode 2 - Bad Crowd
Transmission Impossible
Episode 3 - Transmission Impossible
Episode 4 - FM
Dynamo's Estate of Mind
Episode 5 - Dynamo's Estate of Mind
Dog Almighty
Episode 6 - Dog Almighty
Alex Zane's House of Games
Episode 7 - Alex Zane's House of Game...
Episode 8 - Slap