Image of Yuriy Tsurilo

Yuriy Tsurilo

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Dec 10, 1946 In Вязники, Владимирская область, СССР (Россия)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Icaria
Latest Project:
Movie Crazy 2026
Known For
Poster of The Last Warrior
Poster of Человек без прошлого
Poster of Chest Imeyu
Poster of Black Shark
Movie Crazy 2026
Movie Icaria Security Officer 2026
Movie Knock on my Tver Dyadya Alisy 2025-01-01
Movie Sugar Baby Uncle Kolya 2024-04-25
Movie Masculine Word 2024-09-26
Series Spy Нилов 2023-03-27
Series СССР 2023-05-25
Series Chernobyl 2022-03-30
Series Crime Solving For Beginners 2022-04-22
Series The Negotiator Ded 2022-11-03
Series Игра с огнём 2021-01-29
Movie The Last Warrior: Emissary of Darkness Ilya Muromets 2021-12-23
Movie The Oath 2020-02-25
Series The Black Sea Oktyabrskiy 2020-04-27
Movie The Last Warrior: Root of Evil Ilya Muromets 2020-12-24
Movie Curator Danilin 2020-09-10
Series Шпион №1 Генерал Ненашев 2020-12-28
Series Кастинг 2018-01-01
Movie The Last Warrior Oleg Svyatoslavovich - Prince of Tmutarakan 2018-01-18
Movie Forsaken министр 2018-11-08
Movie Krasny 2017-03-01
Movie The Last Warrior Ilya Muromets 2017-10-19
Movie Six Degrees of Celebration 5 2016-12-22
Series Научи меня жить 2016-11-23
Series Черная река Сан Саныч Буянов 2015-05-18
Movie Chief Георгий Шубников 2015-10-08
Series Человек без прошлого Глобус 2015-12-31
Movie Hard to Be a God Don Reba 2014-02-27
Movie Forbidden Empire Sotnik 2014-01-30
Movie Dubrovsky Troyekurov 2014-03-06
Series Talyanka генерал Хрюкин 2014-10-12
Movie Scribblers 2014-03-19
Movie The Fool Bogachev 2014-08-09
Movie The Search The Colonel 2014-11-26
Movie Khaytarma 2013-05-18
Series Катина любовь Timofey Fadeev 2012-01-09
Movie Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg 2012-06-26
Series The Dragon Syndrome Михаил Иванович 2012-10-14
Movie The PyraMMMid General 2011-04-07
Series Only You 2011-06-14
Series Marry A General Генерал 2011-09-17
Movie Silent Souls Miron 2010-06-06
Movie Elephant 2010-06-10
Movie The Priest Митрополит Сергий 2009-04-04
Movie The New Year's Rate Plan huge man on the bus 2008-12-04
Movie The Quiet Family Life Platon 2008-12-25
Movie Sac with a bright future 2007-05-31
Movie Rud and Sam Босс 2007-11-29
Movie Kilometer Zero V.S. 2007-10-25
Movie The Three and the Snowflake 2007-11-08
Series The Storm Gate 2006-02-13
Movie Piter FM general-mayor 2006-04-20
Movie Seventh Heaven Timofey Koltsov 2006-06-15
Movie Andersen. Life Without Love Бертель Торвальдсен 2006-12-21
Series Казус Кукоцкого 2005-02-01
Series The Fall of the Empire Steklov 2005-04-04
Movie Wonder Valley 2005-05-18
Movie Chest Imeyu Colonel Ermakov 2004-12-12
Series Честь имею Colonel Ermakov 2004-01-01
Movie Countdown General Karpov 2004-12-09
Series The Saboteur Head of hospital train 2004-09-07
Movie The Kopeck 2002-06-07
Movie In August of 1944 2001-05-04
Movie Khrustalyov, My Car! Yuriy Klenskiy 1999-01-13
Movie Ermak турецкий посол 1997-06-10
Series Ermak Turkish ambassador 1996-12-02
Movie Black Shark 1993-06-02
Movie Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutant 1993-01-01
Movie Gongofer 1992-01-01
Movie Thunder Over Rus' 1992-02-03
Movie In Search of the Golden Phallus работник цирка «мафиози» 1992-10-17
Movie A Royal Regatta Marko 1966-11-27