Image of David Sibley

David Sibley

David Sibley is an English actor. He is best known for character roles in several cult television series: as twisted radio DJ Tom Everett in BBC television detective series Shoestring; and in Doctor Who as Pralix. He appeared on a DVD extra when this story was released recently.

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Jul 16, 1948 In UK
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Doctor Who 1963-11-23
Latest Project:
Movie The Last Letter from Your Lover 2021-07-23
Known For
Poster of The Year London Blew Up
Poster of The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service
Poster of An Inspector Calls
Poster of Doctor Who
Movie The Last Letter from Your Lover Don Franklin 2021-07-23
Series War and Peace Bakshin 2016-01-03
Movie 45 Years George 2015-08-04
Movie The Sleeping Room Freddie 2014-08-23
Series Utopia Jack Tate 2013-01-15
Movie Mr. Nice Philip Fairweather 2010-10-07
Movie The Year London Blew Up Detective Inspector 2005-09-01
Movie The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service Major Delon 2002-04-07
Movie Care Cashman 2000-10-08
Movie Guest House Paradiso Intimidating Man 1999-12-03
Movie Incognito Whitehurst Landlord 1997-11-14
Movie Princess Caraboo Harrison 1994-09-16
Movie Redemption Steven Last 1991-07-03
Movie Hands of a Murderer Finch 1990-05-16
Movie Great Balls of Fire! Third English Reporter 1989-06-30
Movie Willow Galladoorn Warrior 1988-05-20
Movie An Inspector Calls Eric Birling 1984-09-02
Movie Give Us a Break: Hustle Bustle Toil and Muscle Billy Wilson 1984-12-31
Movie Stars of the Roller State Disco Doctor 1984-12-04
Series An Inspector Calls Eric Birling 1982-08-17
Movie Gandhi Subaltern 1982-12-01
Movie At the Fountainhead (Of German Strength) Voice 1980-01-01
Movie Fatal Spring Wilfred Owen 1980-11-07
Series Blake's 7 Commentator 1978-01-02
Movie Romeo & Juliet Sampson 1978-12-03
Movie Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet Pralix 1978-10-21
Series Doctor Who Pralix 1963-11-23