Image of Youssef Hajdi

Youssef Hajdi

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Youssef Hajdi. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jun 8, 1979
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Comme des riches
Latest Project:
Movie Camille Chamoux - Chamouxland 2024-07-03
Known For
Poster of Adopt a Daddy
Poster of In Safe Hands
Poster of Dumped
Poster of Face Down
Movie Comme des riches 2026
Movie Like a Prince 2024-01-17
Movie Camille Chamoux - Chamouxland 2024-07-03
Series Kôkôrikô ! Journaliste Auto 2023-07-19
Movie Princes of the Desert Tarek 2023-02-08
Movie Bigbug Victor Barelli 2022-02-11
Movie Bam’s Hakim 2022-11-14
Movie Tous Inconnus ("Télémagouilles" segment) 2022-11-14
Movie Achoura 2020-06-26
Series All the Way Up Nabil 2020-03-20
Movie Divorce Club Helmut 2020-07-14
Movie Brutus vs Cesar Vercingétorix / Versus 2020-09-18
Movie Apprendre à t'aimer Zack 2020-09-08
Movie C'est la vie Nathan Laval 2020-12-30
Series La Flamme Orchidée 2020-10-12
Movie Adopt a Daddy Marco 2019-03-06
Movie Deerskin Olaf 2019-06-19
Series Mouche Conseiller bancaire 2019-06-03
Movie Peplum: la folle histoire du mariage de Cléopâtre Mato 2019-07-30
Series An interview Rachid 2018-03-31
Movie Dumped Charlemagne 2018-04-18
Series Croc Love 2018-12-17
Movie In Safe Hands Ahmed 2018-12-05
Movie Beautiful Loser Houcine 2018-09-30
Movie Two Snails Set Off (voice) 2017-06-08
Movie Problemos Simon 2017-05-10
Movie The Crew Nasser 2016-05-04
Series Serge le Mytho Un boucher 2016-10-07
Movie The New Adventures of Aladdin Cheik Loukoums 2015-10-14
Movie Animal Kingdom: Let's Go Ape Marcel (voice) 2015-04-08
Movie Face Down Driss 2015-10-14
Movie La dernière échappée Eddy Clavel 2014-06-27
Movie Vincent Driss 2014-10-15
Movie Mohamed Dubois Mustafa 2013-05-01
Movie On the Other Side of the Tracks Giovanni / Nabil 2012-12-15
Movie Médecin-chef à la Santé Driss Chahidi 2012-10-17
Series No Limit Choulken 2012-11-15
Movie Low Cost Nadir 2011-06-08
Movie Halal State Security Farid 2011-02-16
Movie The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec Aziz 2010-04-09
Movie Lignes Majid 2010-12-11
Movie Made in Jamel 2010-12-01
Movie Black Al Kayd 2009-02-14
Movie 13 m² Reza 2007-06-20