Image of Vladimir Kurashkin

Vladimir Kurashkin

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Apr 22, 1946 In USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Motherland 1975-05-05
Latest Project:
Series Empire is Under Attack 2000-10-05
Known For
Poster of Empire is Under Attack
Poster of Exceptions Without Rules
Poster of Семь крестиков в записной книжке
Poster of Motherland
Series Empire is Under Attack зевака 2000-10-05
Movie The Engagement in Saint-Michel 1990-10-28
Movie The Oddballs of Saint-Michel 1989-10-26
Movie Exceptions Without Rules kollega Spirkina (Isklyuchenie 4: «Zolotaya pugovitsa») 1986-05-03
Movie Семь крестиков в записной книжке 1983-07-23
Movie An Unnamed Star нотариус 1978-01-01
Movie Motherland 1975-05-05