Image of Guo Fazeng

Guo Fazeng

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Jan 1, 1945 In Tianjin, China
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Zhen shi fan si ren 1980-01-01
Latest Project:
Series 秦始皇 2007-02-18
Known For
Poster of 中国命运的决战
Poster of 刘少奇的四十四天
Poster of Ten Days
Poster of Mist Over Fairy Peak
Series 秦始皇 2007-02-18
Movie The Great Military March Forward: Fight for Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhou 刘少奇 1999-01-01
Series 中国命运的决战 Liu Shaoqi 1999-01-01
Movie 肝胆相照 刘少奇 1999-01-09
Movie Decisive Engagement: Beiping-Tianjin Campaign 刘少奇 1992-01-01
Movie 刘少奇的44天 刘少奇 1992-10-10
Movie 刘少奇的四十四天 1992-10-10
Movie Decisive Engagement: The Liaoxi Shenyang Campaign 刘少奇 1991-01-01
Movie Decisive Engagement: The Huai-hai Campaign 刘少奇 1991-08-02
Movie The Birth of New China 刘少奇 1989-09-21
Movie The Kunlun Column 刘少奇 1988-01-01
Movie The Secret Service in Action 丁彦 1981-01-01
Movie Never To Be Forgotten 陈达观 1981-01-01
Movie Zhen shi fan si ren 1980-01-01
Movie Ten Days 1980-07-12
Movie Mist Over Fairy Peak 1980-01-01