Image of Yevgeni Vesnik

Yevgeni Vesnik

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Jan 15, 1923
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Lesson of Life 1955-09-26
Latest Project:
Series Моя любимая ведьма 2008-12-01
Known For
Poster of Officers
Poster of The Experiment of Dr. Abst
Poster of Night Guard
Poster of The Lesson of Life
Series Моя любимая ведьма мужик 2008-12-01
Movie What a Mess! Doctor 1995-06-06
Movie The Master and Margarita psychiatrist 1994-06-06
Movie A Gun with silencer 1993-01-01
Movie There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach Monya 1993-04-01
Movie Alaska, Sir! 1992-03-17
Movie The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks (voice) 1991-07-02
Movie Do It, Manya! Evgeniy Danilovich 1991-07-05
Movie The Hat Solomon Yevseyevich Fishkin 1990-01-01
Movie Swindlers лектор 1990-01-01
Movie Red Wine of Victory фотограф 1990-05-09
Movie Philipp Traum Brandth 1989-06-06
Movie Having Lied Once... 1988-02-02
Movie Fatal Mistake 1988-08-12
Movie End of the World with Symposium to Follow 1987-03-03
Movie War is Raging Somewhere 1986-08-02
Movie Year of a Calf Professor 1986-12-15
Movie The Inspector-General 1985-06-10
Movie Free Wind 1983-01-01
Movie I Want Him to Come 1981-08-28
Movie The Scandalous Affairs of Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Moon Hardaker 1981-04-25
Movie The Dog in Boots Cardinal's Cat (voice) / Кот кардинала 1981-10-03
Movie Пора красных яблок Халил 1981-12-01
Movie Today and Tomorrow Евгений Яковлевич Юраш 1980-03-03
Movie The Coward (voice) 1980-01-01
Movie The Adventures of the Electronic Семён Николаевич Таратар - учитель математики 1980-03-23
Series The Adventures of the Electronic Семён Николаевич Таратар - учитель математики 1980-05-02
Movie The Mystery of Edwin Drood Сапси 1980-09-15
Movie Fairfax's Millions 1980-07-13
Movie The Theme Pashchin 1979-01-09
Movie The Bat Prosecutor 1979-03-04
Movie The Grandmothers Told in Two... 1979-12-31
Movie Messrs. Golovlevs Narrator 1979-07-09
Movie Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street... Мурин (директор гастронома, новелла «С повинной») 1978-01-08
Movie The Whole World In Your Eyes 1977-01-14
Movie We Didn't Learn This chief architect 1976-01-05
Movie Three Days in Moscow Andrey Petrovich Potapov 1975-01-02
Movie С бору по сосенке 1974-04-24
Movie The Strongest халиф / визирь 1974-01-21
Movie The Very Last Day Бызин 1973-03-28
Movie Smart Things книгоноша/посол 1973-12-30
Movie Nylon 100% Егор Мотовилин 1973-12-17
Movie Записки Пиквикского клуба 1972-01-01
Movie Kolya, Olya and Archimedes Greek army commander (voice) 1972-06-10
Movie The Boy from 5B Анатолий Сергеевич тренер по плаванию 1972-08-21
Movie Taimyr Calls You Иван Иванович Кирпичников, директор филармонии 1971-01-03
Movie Red Snowstorm Балабан 1971-03-05
Movie Officers Doctor 1971-07-26
Movie The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase Airport manager 1970-06-06
Movie Valerka, Remka + ... Yevgeni - papa Valerki 1970-09-02
Movie The Canterville Ghost американец (голос) 1970-12-19
Movie Father Frost and the Summer Дед Мороз / водитель грузовика / милиционер / доктор 1969-01-01
Movie Ugryum-River Pristav Andreev 1969-04-14
Movie Капризная принцесса The Beggar (voice) 1969-04-22
Series Ugryum-River Фёдор Степанович Амбреев - коллежский советник 1969-04-15
Movie Seven Old Men and One Girl директор спорткомплекса 1968-06-06
Movie Puss in Boots King (voice) 1968-01-19
Movie Trembita Богдан Сусик, бывший дворецкий графа 1968-10-27
Movie The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers colonel with the huge forehead 1968-11-04
Movie The Experiment of Dr. Abst 1968-12-08
Movie We Are Men 1967-01-01
Movie Межа Kuzma, the Soldier (voice) 1967-01-01
Movie 12 graves of Khoja Nasreddin Tsvetkov - professor 1967-01-23
Movie A Little Time Machine 1967-01-01
Movie The Blacksmith-Sorcerer Emrique 1967-04-22
Movie Strong with Spirit Voronchuk 1967-10-30
Movie I Loved You... Father 1967-06-04
Movie One, Two, Altogether! The Hedgehog (voice) 1967-04-23
Movie Roll call 1966-04-04
Movie Когда играет клавесин professor pravovedeniya 1966-06-21
Movie Londre narrator 1966-12-29
Movie Light of a Distant Star 1965-09-13
Movie Footprint in the Ocean Ivan Yeltsov 1965-05-30
Movie A Foreign Woman Professor 1965-12-06
Movie The First Teacher voice (bai Narmagambet) 1965-10-31
Movie The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin Malinin 1964-08-10
Movie Ordinary Wonder охотник 1964-12-01
Movie Стежки – дорожки Воронюк 1963-01-01
Series Fuse 1962-06-04
Movie Yabloko razdora Ilya Grigorievich Rudenko, collective farm chairman 1962-01-01
Movie Interview with Spring 1962-05-01
Movie Heirs of Rabourdin Рабурдэн 1962-12-31
Movie Mission 1962-06-04
Movie Jump at Dawn 1961-02-22
Movie The Adventures of Buratino Father Carlo (voice) 1959-12-31
Movie Nude with a Violin Клинтон Преминджер 1959-12-31
Movie The First Violin Father-Grasshopper / Firefly (voice) 1958-01-01
Movie The Boy from Napoli Puss in boots (voice) 1958-10-12
Movie Old Man Khottabych постовой милиционер 1957-07-12
Movie Night Guard 1957-12-16
Movie Case No. 306 Пётр Грунин 1956-05-07
Movie The Lesson of Life 1955-09-26
Movie Othello Roderigo 1955-12-02