Image of Francesc Orella

Francesc Orella

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Francesc Orella. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Terra Alta
Latest Project:
Movie From Good to The Hood 2024-12-05
Known For
Poster of Lasa & Zabala
Poster of Interior. Familia
Poster of The Pianist
Series Terra Alta 2026
Series The Asunta Case Juanjo 2024-04-26
Movie From Good to The Hood 2024-12-05
Movie Bye Bye Boy 2023-10-27
Movie Teoria dels cossos 2023-12-01
Series When You Least Expect It Luis Fábregas 2022-04-22
Series Santa Evita Dr. Pedro Ara 2022-07-26
Movie The Good Boss Alejandro 2021-10-15
Movie The Barcelona Vampiress Salvat 2020-09-28
Series Inés of My Soul Pizarro 2020-07-31
Series La unidad 2020-05-15
Movie Offering to the Storm Fermín Montes 2020-07-24
Movie Love Me Not 2019-01-26
Movie Elisa & Marcela Padre Marcela 2019-05-24
Movie 7 Reasons to Run Away (from Society) Família: El pare 2019-04-05
Series Merlí. Sapere Aude Merlí Bergeron Calduch 2019-12-05
Movie I Know Nothing About You Pare 2019-05-31
Movie L’enigma Verdaguer Pare Pinyol 2019-09-11
Movie The Legacy of the Bones Fermín Montés 2019-12-05
Movie Mirage Dr. Fell 2018-11-30
Movie The Invisible Guest Félix Leiva 2017-01-06
Movie Killing God Padre 2017-10-11
Movie The Invisible Guardian Fermín Montés 2017-03-03
Movie Brava 2017-07-07
Series The Ministry of Time Alberto Díaz Bueno 2015-02-24
Series Merlí Merlí Bergeron Calduch 2015-09-14
Series Carlos, rey emperador Cardenal Adriano de Utrecht 2015-09-07
Movie Truman Restaurant Actor 2015-09-24
Movie Falling Star The Bishop 2014-01-26
Movie Interior. Familia 2014-10-07
Movie Lasa & Zabala Enrique Rodríguez Galindo 2014-10-17
Movie Prim: el asesinato de la calle del Turco Prim 2014-12-15
Series Mario Conde: los días de gloria Juan Abelló 2013-07-04
Movie Radiacions 2012-05-14
Movie Frozen Silence Reyes Zarauza 2012-01-20
Movie The Wild Children Àngel 2012-05-25
Movie Tocant el mar Edu 2012-06-16
Movie A Thousand Fools 2011-01-28
Series Ermessenda Ramon Borrell 2011-03-21
Movie Terra baixa Sebastià 2011-09-11
Series Tres días de abril 2010-11-19
Movie Julia's Eyes Inspector Dimas 2010-08-16
Movie Tres dies amb la família Toni 2009-06-26
Series Les veus del Pamano Targa 2009-11-16
Movie The Pianist's Hands 2008-05-05
Movie Shiver Dimas 2008-02-08
Movie Caravaggio Peterzano 2007-07-03
Movie La silla Artista 2006-08-02
Movie The Good Boy Mendiri 2005-11-11
Movie Sleeping luck Miguel Ángel 2003-11-21
Movie Nudos Mario 2003-03-07
Movie Smoking Room Martínez 2002-04-27
Movie Mi dulce Antonio 2001-05-04
Movie The Journey of Arián 2001-05-04
Series Cuéntame cómo pasó Unknown 2001-09-13
Series Jet Lag Unknown 2001-10-02
Movie To Die (Or Not) Víctima 2000-01-18
Movie Yoyes Hombre del mechero 2000-03-31
Series El comisario Subinspector Telmo Chacón 1999-04-26
Movie The Pianist Quintana 1998-09-13
Movie Subjúdice Martí 1998-06-19
Movie La moños Ricardo 1997-03-14
Movie What's It All About Egotist 1995-03-10
Movie Land and Freedom Casado 1995-04-07
Movie Laia, el regal d’aniversari Joan 1995-11-01
Series Estació d'enllaç Arnau Manovens 1994-11-20
Movie La teranyina Obrer 1990-10-30
Movie Boom boom Ramón 1990-06-08
Movie Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa 1984-02-03
Movie Victòria! 2: La disbauxa del 17 1983-12-06
Movie Assault at Central Bank 1983-02-25
Movie Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble 1983-09-09