Image of Marie-Christine Friedrich

Marie-Christine Friedrich

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Marie-Christine Friedrich. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 30, 1979 In Vienna, Austria
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Romy Award 1990-01-01
Latest Project:
Movie Steirerangst 2023-04-11
Known For
Poster of Delirium
Poster of Leaf and Blossom - The Inheritance
Poster of Romy Award
Movie Steirerangst Sigrid Wagner 2023-04-11
Movie Blind ermittelt: Endstation Zentralfriedhof Sandra Wild 2021-01-04
Movie Delirium Sandra Hinzey 2019-08-30
Series fauner consulting Sophie 2011-11-22
Movie Der Amokläufer - Aus Spiel wird Ernst Schulsekretärin 2008-11-17
Movie Weitertanzen Maren Mertens 2008-10-23
Movie All Is Forgiven Annette 2007-09-26
Movie Rumpelstilzchen Marie 2007-12-24
Movie Karo und der liebe Gott Lizzy 2006-08-04
Series Vienna Crime Squad Mutter 2005-10-11
Movie Princesse Marie Marie 16 ans 2004-03-04
Movie Leaf and Blossom - The Inheritance Mara Immenhof 2004-04-14
Series SOKO Kitzbühel Martha Skopek 2001-11-15
Series Romy Award herself 1990-01-01