Image of Sergey Nikonenko

Sergey Nikonenko

Sergei Petrovich Nikonenko (Russian: Серге́й Петрович Никоненко; born 16 April 1941 in Moscow) is a Russian actor. He performed in more than eighty films since 1961.

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Apr 16, 1941 In Москва, СССР (Россия)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Чёрта с два
Latest Project:
Movie Everyone Dreams of a Dog 2024-05-16
Known For
Movie Чёрта с два «Папа» 2026
Movie Everyone Dreams of a Dog Дед Юрки 2024-05-16
Movie With the Ball to Britain 2019-03-01
Movie ВГИК100. Признание в любви self 2019-09-17
Movie King of the Mountain 2018-03-01
Movie Crimean Bridge. Made With Love! Талиб Назырович 2018-11-01
Movie Children for Rent 2017-11-23
Movie Dangerous Vacations 2016-10-27
Movie Chief Борис Бещев 2015-10-08
Series Sea. Mountains. Clay Филиппон 2014-06-16
Movie A Will to Live Philipp 2014-11-03
Movie Mother Lyuba 2014-12-31
Movie Russian Temper 2014-12-28
Movie A Dark Room Mystery 2014-12-02
Movie Treasures of Lake Kaban Ded Ivan 2013-05-01
Movie The Magic Laptop 2013-12-12
Movie Astana, I Love You 2012-03-08
Series Sklifosovsky 2012-09-24
Series Kamenskaya - 6 Гордеев Виктор Алексеевич «Колобок» 2011-08-22
Series Бомбила Егор Петрович Бочкин, старший следователь прокуратуры 2011-05-16
Series Аннушка Александр Петрович 2010-06-12
Movie What Men Talk About Kapitan 2010-03-04
Series Аптекарь Zotov 2009-06-29
Movie Ten Winters Prof. Korsakov 2009-12-10
Movie Passenger Senior Navigator 2008-06-06
Series Kamenskaya - 5 Гордеев Виктор Алексеевич «Колобок» 2008-11-16
Movie One Love of My Soul Pushkin's uncle 2007-01-01
Movie Old Men: Colonels 2007-11-11
Movie Loser Pavel, GAI inspector 2007-12-27
Movie Pushkin: The Last Duel Никита Козлов 2006-12-01
Movie Happy birthday, Your Majesty General Yedalov 2006-06-06
Movie Park of the Soviet Period 2006-11-07
Movie Your Will Not Leave Me 2006-11-30
Series Kamenskaya Гордеев Виктор Алексеевич «Колобок» 2005-12-09
Series The Fall of the Empire Rennenkampf 2005-04-04
Series Богатство Андрей Петрович Соломин 2004-06-09
Movie About Love In Any Weather Zoikin 2004-11-11
Movie In the Service of My Country Boris Kazimirovich Marshansky 2003-11-24
Movie Interesnye Muzhchiny batyushka 2003-06-06
Movie Spasibo 2003-06-06
Series In the Service of My Country Boris Kazemirovich Marshansky 2003-11-24
Series Каменская - 3 Гордеев Виктор Алексеевич «Колобок» 2003-09-29
Movie And in the Morning They Woke Up Plumber 2003-08-15
Movie Порода 2002-01-01
Movie Only Time... 2002-01-01
Series Impossible Green Eyes 2002-02-28
Movie Tartarin of Tarascon 2002-06-06
Series Каменская - 2 Гордеев Виктор Алексеевич «Колобок» 2002-12-07
Movie A Savage Kirill Maksimych Zubarev 2002-06-06
Movie I Am A Dummy 2002-04-04
Series Rostov-Father Poet 2001-05-01
Movie Northern Lights 2001-10-04
Movie Chinese Tea-Set Арсений Мышко 2000-01-03
Movie True Stories 2000-07-16
Series Kamenskaya Гордеев Виктор Алексеевич «Колобок» 1999-12-14
Movie An Essay on Victory Day Alyosha 1999-01-21
Movie Time of a Dancer Fyodor 1998-08-07
Movie Classic Горский 1998-01-01
Movie Old Songs about the Main Thing 2 1997-01-01
Movie Sinful Love 1997-06-10
Movie Children of Monday 1997-01-01
Movie Московские каникулы 1995-06-30
Movie The Master and Margarita Styopa Likhodeev 1994-06-06
Series Vivat, Naval Cadets! Chernyshov - graf 1994-01-03
Movie Angels of Death 1993-06-06
Movie I want to go to America 1993-01-01
Movie In Search of the Golden Phallus Никанор 1992-10-17
Movie Serious Game Дыскин - старший лейтенант 1992-01-09
Movie Encore, Once More Encore! Ivan Kryukov 1992-06-06
Movie Время вашей жизни 1992-05-24
Movie Brunette for 30 Cents Matvey Matveyevich Matveyev 1991-01-01
Movie Vivat, Naval Cadets! Chernyshov - graf 1991-08-31
Movie The Family Man 1991-01-01
Movie KGB Agents Also Fall in Love 1991-12-18
Movie Not Afraid to Die 1991-10-11
Movie Dangerous Woman 1991-12-01
Movie Spanish Actress for Russian Minister «Чапаев» / советский посол в Испании / друг Михеля 1990-01-25
Movie Stalingrad Alexander Ilyich Rodimtsev 1990-02-01
Movie Inhuman Igor Pluzhnikov 1990-09-10
Movie Бес в ребро Aleksandr Zhigunov 1990-12-12
Movie Red Wine of Victory Никонорич 1990-05-09
Movie В знак протеста 1989-01-01
Movie Limited Life 1989-06-06
Movie The Feasts of Valtasar, or The Night with Stalin Voroshilov 1989-11-06
Movie Holy Moly! 1988-01-01
Movie Гражданин убегающий 1988-06-19
Movie Bread 1988-10-06
Movie Tomorrow Was the War Nikolay Romakhin 1987-10-18
Movie About Love, Friendship and Destiny 1987-12-01
Movie The Extra Arrives on the Second Path майор Денисов 1986-11-09
Movie From Pay to Pay Gubkin 1986-02-17
Movie The Wedding Is Accused 1986-07-21
Movie Любочка 1985-04-06
Movie The Spaceship of Aliens 1985-06-06
Movie Winter Evening in Gagry Ballet-master 1985-12-09
Movie Parade of the Planets Afonin 1984-12-15
Movie I'm Sorry If You Can... 1984-11-29
Movie Love You. Waiting. Lena Stepanych 1983-10-24
Movie Lethargy 1983-10-13
Movie The Sixth Glodov 1982-04-12
Movie Date 1982-12-20
Movie Traffic Officer Officer Zykin 1982-06-06
Movie Gipsy Happiness 1981-11-09
Movie Холостяки 1980-01-01
Movie Late Dates 1980-12-15
Movie April Dreams 1980-06-13
Movie Don't Leave Your Lovers Шумилов, разводящийся муж-пьяница 1980-07-07
Movie Unanswered Love 1979-01-01
Movie The Theme Sinitsyn 1979-01-09
Movie Married for the First Time actor in the role of a hussar on the set of the film (uncredited) 1979-12-01
Movie Расколотое небо 1979-12-31
Movie While the Dream is Mad 1978-07-01
Movie Dawns Are Kissing 1978-12-04
Movie Father Sergius 1978-09-05
Movie An Unfinished Piece for Player Piano Yakov 1977-09-05
Movie Our Debts 1977-05-13
Movie There, Beyond the Horizon Sayenko 1976-12-13
Movie Трын-трава Стёпка 1976-10-15
Series Волны Чёрного моря Жуков / матрос 1975-07-02
Movie Birds Over the City 1974-08-19
Movie Sing a Song, Poet Sergei Yesenin 1973-03-22
Movie The Marble House Malakhitov 1972-12-03
Movie The Golden Gates Tsar 1971-03-01
Movie A Quiet Day at the End of the War Andrei 1970-04-01
Movie Red Square Vladimir Koltsov 1970-11-30
Movie Crime and Punishment 1970-09-28
Movie Liberation: The Fire Bulge Sashka 1970-05-07
Movie Liberation: The Break Through Sashka 1970-05-08
Movie Four Men in a Boxcar Pavlik 1970-08-02
Movie Strange People Васька-чудик 1969-06-06
Movie Not Under the Jurisdiction Innokenty 1969-08-25
Movie White Explosion Николай Спичкин 1969-12-19
Movie A Nest of Gentry Grishka 1969-08-25
Movie War and Peace Russian Officer 1968-04-28
Movie The Commissar 1967-06-06
Movie The Places Here Are Quiet Timofei 1967-07-12
Movie The Journalist Aleksandr Reutov 1967-09-23
Movie The Red and the White Cossack Officer 1967-11-03
Movie Nikolay Bauman Viktor 1967-11-03
Movie War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 Russian Officer 1967-07-21
Movie Wings Sergey Bystryakov 1966-08-15
Movie Road to the Sea corporal at the taxi (uncredited) 1966-03-07
Movie The Girl and the Bugler 1965-06-06
Movie My Way Home Kolja 1965-01-14
Movie It Happened at the Police Station 1963-06-06
Movie Улица Ньютона, дом 1 Book seller (uncredited) 1963-10-21
Movie Шурка выбирает море Shurka Petrenko 1963-12-01
Movie Life Anew 1962-01-06
Movie Men and Beasts Yuri Pavlov 1962-11-02