Image of Alexandra Weaver

Alexandra Weaver

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Mar 28, 1985 In UK
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Asphyxia
Latest Project:
Movie The Curse of Robert the Doll 2022-09-30
Known For
Poster of King Arthur: Excalibur Rising
Poster of Petroleum Spirit
Poster of Love by Design
Poster of The IT Crowd
Movie Asphyxia Watcher 2026
Movie The Curse of Robert the Doll Dess 2022-09-30
Movie King Arthur: Excalibur Rising The Lady of the Lake 2017-03-01
Movie The Trouble with Mistletoe Rory 2017-12-15
Movie Manic Lisa Insomniac 2017-04-23
Movie Petroleum Spirit Nancy 2016-06-20
Movie Ava's Impossible Things Acceptance 2016-07-16
Movie High-Rise Lucy 2015-11-22
Movie Montana Danica 2014-10-05
Movie Love by Design Elaine 2014-09-26
Movie Songs for Amy Charlotte 2012-05-02
Movie A Bunch of Amateurs Girl on Motorbike 2008-11-17
Series The IT Crowd Kimberly 2006-02-03
Series Egypt Evelyn Carnarvon 2005-10-30
Movie The Search for Tutankhamun Evelyn Carnarvon 2005-10-30