Image of Sergey Petrov

Sergey Petrov

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Aug 1, 1976
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Arsenal 1929-02-25
Latest Project:
Series GDR 2024-02-16
Known For
Poster of Fur Coat
Poster of Karol: The Pope, The Man
Poster of Far from the Motherland
Poster of Sailor Chizhik
Series GDR Папа Римский Иоанн Павел II 2024-02-16
Series Nomination 2022-02-07
Movie Conference Ivan 2020-10-22
Movie Paradise 89 2018-02-23
Series Этим пыльным летом Бергер 2018-10-13
Movie The Gift 2018-06-03
Movie Fur Coat 2016-08-20
Series Брак по завещанию 3. Танцы на углях Аткинс адвокат 2013-09-23
Movie Stalingrad Opolchenets 2013-10-09
Movie Четверг, 12-е 2012-12-16
Movie Who Wasn't There 2011-03-10
Series Bloodties 2008-01-01
Movie Karol: The Pope, The Man Vladimir A. Krijusckov 2006-02-27
Series CU "Masik" 2006-03-13
Movie 977 2006-10-26
Series Karol: The Pope, The Man Vladimir A. Krijusckov 2006-05-10
Movie Piranha Hunt 2006-04-06
Movie On Upper Maslovka Street врач скорой помощи 2005-11-03
Series Drongo Lauton 2002-09-23
Movie DMB-5 2001-01-31
Movie Sisters 2001-05-10
Movie DMB-2 2000-07-31
Movie The Star of the Ballet chairman of the examination board 1965-07-19
Movie Грозные ночи Mauer 1961-01-25
Movie Roman and Francesca singing teacher 1961-03-16
Movie Ukrainian Rhapsody председатель жюри 1961-09-25
Movie Far from the Motherland Gartner 1960-06-19
Movie Heirs врач 1960-11-12
Movie Крутые ступени Sergey Afanasyevich 1957-07-25
Movie Sailor Chizhik 1955-01-01
Movie Secret Agent Astakhov 1947-06-26
Movie Stepan Razin Deacon Yefim 1939-02-09
Movie Sailors 1939-12-03
Movie Arsenal A German Soldier 1929-02-25
Movie Two Women 1929-10-01