Image of Lyudmila Karaush

Lyudmila Karaush

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Jul 16, 1937 In Passat, Odesskaya oblast, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie История с пирожками 1961-09-18
Latest Project:
Movie The President and his Granddaughter 2000-12-31
Known For
Poster of You to Me, Me to You
Poster of Aybolit-66
Poster of The Cook
Poster of История с пирожками
Movie The President and his Granddaughter administrator 2000-12-31
Movie Mommy prodavets 1999-03-31
Movie The Boundaries 1995-08-30
Movie Executor of the Sentence 1992-06-06
Movie The Shroud of Alexander Nevsky provodnitsa 1992-09-14
Movie The Trial Lyudmila Ivanovna 1990-06-01
Movie About Love, Friendship and Destiny 1987-12-01
Movie The Most Charming and Attractive the inn manager 1985-11-10
Movie Plead Guilty приёмщица в мастерской 1983-04-02
Movie Shot In The Back Марина 1980-11-10
Movie You to Me, Me to You Jacqueline 1979-05-31
Movie Right of First Signature 1978-10-01
Movie 100 grams for Bravery café waitress 1977-05-23
Movie Ау-у! (Киноальманах) зрительница в первом ряду («Что наша жизнь?! Или что наша жизнь?!») 1976-07-05
Movie The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers adygean princess 1968-11-04
Movie Aybolit-66 1967-04-19
Movie Border Silence Гюзель 1966-03-29
Movie The Cook Natalya 1966-05-23
Movie Двадцать лет спустя 1965-01-01
Movie Our Honest Bread Lyuska 1964-12-07
Movie The Day When the 30th Birthday Is Celebrated Tonya 1962-03-29
Movie Кубинская новелла 1962-07-26
Movie История с пирожками продавщица 1961-09-18
Movie Sovershenno seryozno продавщица (новелла «История с пирожками») 1961-09-18