Image of André Cellier

André Cellier

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Sep 26, 1926 In Paris, France
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Riff Raff Girls 1959-05-20
Latest Project:
Movie The Life of the Dead 1991-06-12
Known For
Poster of The Confession
Poster of The Diary of an Innocent Boy
Movie The Life of the Dead Père Fitzsimmons 1991-06-12
Movie La Main coupée Colonel of the logistics corps 1979-09-20
Movie The Confession 1970-04-29
Movie The Diary of an Innocent Boy Le conseiller 1968-01-12
Movie Jean-Luc Persécuté Maréchal 1966-03-20
Movie Lucky Jo Gabriel Farcasse 1964-11-12
Movie Fortunate ami de Mlle Massillon 1960-11-16
Movie Riff Raff Girls Bank Guard in Cash Transfer 1959-05-20