Image of Egor Bakulin

Egor Bakulin

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Jul 30, 1981 In Saratov, RSFSR, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Russian Ark 2002-05-22
Latest Project:
Movie В баню! 2024-11-07
Known For
Poster of Здравствуй, Дедушка Мороз!
Poster of Silver Skates
Poster of Comfort Zone
Poster of Suspended Cop
Movie В баню! Batyr 2024-11-07
Movie Johnny 2023-07-13
Series Voennaya policiya Ледунов 2023-05-29
Movie Wish of the Fairy Fish Vodovik 2023-10-26
Movie Здравствуй, Дедушка Мороз! 2021-12-09
Series Comfort Zone Balyasin Pyotr Yuryevich - deputat 2020-10-22
Movie Silver Skates 2020-12-10
Series Suspended Cop Гера Конюхов 2019-10-14
Movie Crimean Bridge. Made With Love! 2018-11-01
Movie #OneSummerDay Пухляк, водитель скорой помощи 2018-10-11
Movie Paws, Bones & Rock'n'roll 2014-12-30
Movie Kicking Off 2013-09-24
Series Catherine's Musketeers Николай Демидов 2009-02-24
Movie Alexander: The Neva Battle 2008-05-01
Movie Russian Ark 2002-05-22