Image of Miriam Martin

Miriam Martin

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Miriam Martin. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jan 10, 1968 In Bilbao, Vizcaya, País Vasco, Spain
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Todos estamos invitados 2008-04-11
Latest Project:
Movie The Platform 2019-11-08
Known For
Poster of The Platform
Poster of The Night of the Virgin
Poster of Sweet
Movie The Platform Level 5 Female Inmate 2019-11-08
Movie Alegría, tristeza Maite 2018-11-16
Movie The Night of the Virgin Medea 2016-10-16
Movie Nineteen Forty One 2013-03-29
Movie Strings María (voice) 2013-11-15
Movie Viral La niña 2013-11-29
Movie Sweet Niña 2011-01-10
Movie Verbo Niña de blanco 2011-11-04
Movie Todos estamos invitados Reportera Tv 2008-04-11