Image of Giorgia Bongianni

Giorgia Bongianni

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Fatal Frames 1996-02-15
Latest Project:
Movie Sweat of August 2022-12-26
Known For
Poster of Pope John Paul I: The Smile of God
Poster of Papa Luciani - il sorriso di Dio
Poster of C'era un cinese in coma
Movie Sweat of August 2022-12-26
Series Papa Luciani - il sorriso di Dio Bortola Luciani 2006-10-23
Movie Pope John Paul I: The Smile of God Bortola Luciani 2006-10-23
Movie Saint Rita 2004-09-26
Movie Pope John XXIII 2002-01-01
Movie C'era un cinese in coma Daniela 2000-03-03
Series Father Matteo Ornella Gatto 2000-01-07
Series Enchantment Elena Curti 1998-06-08
Movie Fatal Frames Isabel Fairbrain Ritt 1996-02-15