Image of Lyubov Rudenko

Lyubov Rudenko

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Lyubov Rudenko. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Oct 22, 1959
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie What Marianna Knows?
Latest Project:
Movie Actors' Tragedies. Behind the Scenes of Melodramas 2019-01-04
Known For
Poster of Без обмана
Poster of Holiday romance
Poster of Return of the
Poster of What Marianna Knows?
Movie What Marianna Knows? 2026
Movie Actors' Tragedies. Behind the Scenes of Melodramas Self - Актриса 2019-01-04
Movie The Fool Razumikhina 2014-08-09
Series Без обмана Self 2012-11-21
Movie Holiday romance 2007-11-11
Series Билет в гарем 2006-08-19
Movie Return of the "Battleship" 1996-04-20
Movie Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog 1991-07-05
Series The Life of Klim Samgin Evdokiya Streshneva - Singer 1988-03-28
Movie Vasiliy Buslaev Agnia 1982-12-01