Image of Mikhail Troynik

Mikhail Troynik

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Mikhail Troynik. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 24, 1988 In Rybinsk, Yaroslavskaya oblast, USSR (Russia)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Icaria
Latest Project:
Movie Финал 2025-05-08
Known For
Movie Icaria Corpcontrol One 2026
Movie Финал 2025-05-08
Movie Agniya 2025-01-30
Series I Know Who Killed You 2024-05-01
Movie Truth 2024-02-01
Series First Class 2024-05-23
Movie В баню! Plotnikov 2024-11-07
Movie Spreading Your Wings 2023-05-08
Movie The Challenge Zhenya's husband 2023-04-20
Series God Complex Marat 2023-02-03
Series Librarian Гриша Вырин 2023-06-29
Movie Невидимый мой 2023-10-06
Movie The White List 2023-11-23
Series Ira 2023-09-25
Movie Run, Daddy, Run Толя 2023-11-16
Movie I Love You — Je t'aime 2023-12-28
Movie Breathe Easy 2022-05-12
Movie Love Story 2022-10-13
Series Harbor Артур 2022-08-13
Movie City Day 2021-01-21
Movie The World Champion Yuriy Balashov 2021-12-30
Movie Skazka 2021-09-18
Movie Undercover Standup Sveta's potential boyfriend 2021-02-04
Series Chicks Father Sergiy 2020-06-04
Movie Gogol online: Kharms. Myr 2020-04-19
Movie (Not)Random Stories 2020-08-13
Movie Gogol Online: Fear 2020-04-05
Movie Present Future Vasya 2020-08-17
Movie Tsoi 2020-11-12
Series Ivanko Lyokha 2020-11-02
Movie The End Of War 2020-09-12
Movie Fidelity Policeman 2019-10-31
Movie Russian Spleen Denya 2019-11-26
Movie Mr. President's Vacation 2018-03-29
Movie How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home Nastya's boyfriend 2017-10-12
Movie #WhoCanBeHappyAndFreeInRussia? 2015-04-23
Movie Freemasons Petr 2014-07-05
Movie The Hope Factory 2014-01-25