Image of Thomas Ziesch

Thomas Ziesch

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie REQUIEM
Latest Project:
Series SOKO Hamburg 2018-03-27
Known For
Poster of #Wannadie
Poster of Heimat Helgoland
Poster of Drei Ringe
Poster of REQUIEM
Movie REQUIEM Frau Janowitz 2026
Movie #Wannadie Franz 2018-01-01
Series SOKO Hamburg Thorben Larsen 2018-03-27
Movie Heimat Helgoland Georg Braun 2017-10-03
Movie Mata Hari – Tanz mit dem Tod 2017-06-18
Movie Albert & Hermann Goering General Bodenschatz 2016-01-10
Series Unter Gaunern Koordinator 2015-01-27
Series MEK 8 Thorsten Wilke 2012-08-25
Series Hamburg Dockland Julian / René Fischer 2007-01-04
Movie Drei Ringe 2006-11-16
Series Großstadtrevier Elias Kuragin 1986-12-16
Series Scene of the Crime BKA Employee 1970-11-29