Image of Ruslan Yagudin

Ruslan Yagudin

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Ruslan Yagudin. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Oct 28, 1984 In USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie On Upper Maslovka Street 2005-11-03
Latest Project:
Series Gorky 53 2024-04-23
Known For
Series Gorky 53 Логинов 2024-04-23
Movie Treasures of the Guerrilla Forest 2023-05-04
Series The Cyberfarm начальник поезда 2023-09-23
Movie Axe. 1945 2023-05-09
Series Дама с собачкой Unknown 2022-12-19
Series Dr. Preobrazhensky 2020-11-23
Movie Apricot and Dried Apricots 2018-02-10
Series Axe 2018-05-09
Series Живой Андрей Никифоров (старший лейтенант убойного отдела) 2018-04-02
Movie Children for Rent 2017-11-23
Series Crisis of Tender Age Sergey Yakubov 2016-08-08
Series I See-I Know Денис Творожков, стажёр 2016-06-27
Series MosGaz. Delo N2: Palach 2015-01-11
Movie B/W 2015-03-19
Movie Legend No. 17 2013-04-17
Series Sklifosovsky Baton 2012-09-24
Movie Дружба особого назначения 2012-09-11
Movie Target cameraman 2011-06-26
Movie On Upper Maslovka Street студент в институте 2005-11-03